Results for 'Annie Stora Lamarre'

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  1. L'idée-force de la morale chez Alfred Fouillée.Annie Stora Lamarre - 2007 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 53:143-158.
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    Socrate Nelle Nuvole: Il Filosofo e la Commedia.Rineu Quinalha - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (7):88-106.
    Il rapporto tra Socrate e la commedia è ciò che propongo in questo mio lavoro. Essenziale fu l’importanza di Aristofane nel panorama poetico ateniese della seconda metà del V sec. a.C., ricordo il rilievo della commedia, intesa come (cito Werner Jaeger) lo specchio della vita, sottolineo il valore che il genere comico teatrale aveva nella formazione dell’opinione dei cittadini dell’Atene democratica. In seguito, analizzo le accuse che il poeta rivolge a Socrate nelle Nuvole; quella di essere ateo naturalista, quella di (...)
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  3. In honour of Dr. Annie Besant.Annie Besant (ed.) - 1990 - Varanasi, U.P., India: Indian Section, Theosophical Society.
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    Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of the Transindividual.Thomas LaMarre (ed.) - 2012 - MIT Press.
    Gilbert Simondon, one of the most influential contemporary French philosophers, published only three works: L'individu et sa genèse physico-biologique and L'individuation psychique et collective, both drawn from his doctoral thesis, and _Du mode d'existence des objets techniques_. It is this last work that brought Simondon into the public eye; as a consequence, he has been considered a "thinker of technics" and cited often in pedagogical reports on teaching technology. Yet Simondon was a philosopher whose ambitions lay in an in-depth renewal (...)
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    The Latent Structure of Dictionaries.Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Alexandre Blondin Massé, Marcos Lopes, Mélanie Lord, Odile Marcotte & Stevan Harnad - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (3):625-659.
    How many words—and which ones—are sufficient to define all other words? When dictionaries are analyzed as directed graphs with links from defining words to defined words, they reveal a latent structure. Recursively removing all words that are reachable by definition but that do not define any further words reduces the dictionary to a Kernel of about 10% of its size. This is still not the smallest number of words that can define all the rest. About 75% of the Kernel turns (...)
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    Wake Work as Ethic.Ashley Lamarre - 2023 - Essays in Philosophy 24 (1):58-72.
    In this paper, I argue that scholars who reproduce photographs of Black people for subversive purposes should pursue alternative modes of re-exhibition other than carelessly reproducing said photographs as is. Christina Sharpe’s care-based method of wake work, performed within In the Wake: On Blackness and Being (2016), is one such form of ethical exhibitorship. Care, in this text, is the pursuit of the full context of the afterlives of slavery against oppressive narratives about Black people and their lived experience to (...)
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    The Origins of Theosophy : Annie Besant - the Atheist Years.Annie Besant - 1990 - Routledge.
    Annie Besant is primarily remembered as the international president of the Theosophical Society. One of the most important aspects of her career were the years that she was a professional atheist, which has given her a place in history as a pioneer feminist. _The Origins of Theosophy _contains thirteen of Besant’s pamphlets, originally published from 1883-1890. This book is ideal for students of theology.
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    Acquisition and transfer of feature-negative discriminations.Jennifer Lamarre & Peter C. Holland - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (1):71-74.
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  9. Afterword: Immanent variation, or diversity as method.Thomas Lamarre - 2019 - In David Lapoujade (ed.), William James: Empiricism and Pragmatism. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Between Two Worlds: Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa.Ashley Lamarre - 2020 - Critical Philosophy of Race 8 (1-2):308-310.
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    Letting Bodies be Bodies: Exploring Relaxed Performance in the Canadian Performance Landscape.Andrea LaMarre, Carla Rice & Kayla Besse - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (2):184-208.
    There is an increasing movement toward accessibility in arts spaces, including recent legislative changes and commitments at individual, organizational, and systemic levels to integrating access into the arts across Canada. In this article, we explore Relaxed Performance in the context of this movement. We present the results of a reflexive thematic analysis of interviews conducted with participants who completed RP training offered by the British Council to. understand the training’s effectiveness and impact. We explore the significance of the training, and (...)
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  12. Philosophie et pédagogie: Fichte et la Méthode de Pestalozzi.Jean-Marc Lamarre - 2012 - In Alain Trouvé & Michel Soëtard (eds.), Méthode et philosophie: la descendance éducative de l'Émile: Condorcet, Kant, Pestalozzi, Fichte, Herbart, Dilthey, Dewey, Freinet. Paris: L'Harmattan.
  13. Pseudo-dionysius the areopagite.Mark Lamarre - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Language, Citizenship and Identity in Quebec ‐ by Leigh Oakes and Jane Warren, with a foreword by Gérard Bouchard.Patricia Lamarre - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (1):105-108.
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    Outlaw Universities.Thomas Lamarre - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (3).
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    Le souci de soi dans «Être et Temps».Annie Larivée & Alexandra Leduc - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (4):723-741.
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    Commentary.Annie Janvier - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (1):14-14.
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    Debt and wrong-way resource flows in Costa rica.Sheldon Annis - 1990 - Ethics and International Affairs 4:107–121.
    External debt, poverty, and the use of natural resources are inextricably linked. Annis argues that the direction in which a country's economic resources are transferred—from poor to rich, or rich to poor—also sets the pattern for the flow of natural resources.
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    Does Philosophy Improve Critical Thinking?Linda Annis - 1979 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (2):145-152.
  20. A Contextualist Theory of Epistemic Justification.David B. Annis - 1978 - American Philosophical Quarterly 15 (3):213 - 219.
    David Annis is professor of philosophy at Ball State University. In this essay, Annis offers an alternative to the foundationalist-coherent controversy: "contextualism." This theory rejects both the idea of intrinsically basic beliefs in the foundational sense and the thesis that coherence is sufficient for justification. he argues that justification is relative to the varying norms of social practices.
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  21. Knowledge, belief, and rationality.David B. Annis - 1977 - Journal of Philosophy 74 (4):217-225.
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  22. Memory and justification.David B. Annis - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 40 (3):324-333.
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    Bientraitance et prise en compte de la vulnérabilité.Annie Hourcade Sciou - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):205-220.
    ANNIE HOURCADE SCIOU | : Cette étude entend montrer que la bientraitance correspond à une démarche volontaire d’assumer notre responsabilité vis-à-vis de la vulnérabilité de l’autre et en constitue la réponse la plus adaptée. La vulnérabilité, en effet, revêt une dimension essentiellement relationnelle et non substantielle. Comme en témoigne l’étymologie du terme, être vulnérable, c’est être susceptible d’être blessé, à la différence de la fragilité, qui, pour sa part, correspond à une faiblesse intrinsèque. La vulnérabilité, dans sa dimension relationnelle, (...)
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    Are newborns morally different from older children?Annie Janvier, Karen Lynn Bauer & John D. Lantos - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (5):413-425.
    Policies and position statements regarding decision-making for extremely premature babies exist in many countries and are often directive, focusing on parental choice and expected outcomes. These recommendations often state survival and handicap as reasons for optional intervention. The fact that such outcome statistics would not justify such approaches in other populations suggests that some other powerful factors are at work. The value of neonatal intensive care has been scrutinized far more than intensive care for older patients and suggests that neonatal (...)
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    Gender, ‘Race’, Ethnicity in Art Practice in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Annie E. Coombes and Penny Siopis in Conversation.Annie E. Coombes - 1997 - Feminist Review 55 (1):110-129.
    Siopis has always engaged in a critical and controversial way with the concepts of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ in South Africa. For politically sensitive artists whose work has involved confronting the injustices of apartheid, the current post-apartheid situation has forced a reassessment of their practice and the terms on which they might engage with the fundamental changes which are now affecting all of South African society. Where mythologies of race and ethnicity have been strategically foregrounded in the art of any engaged (...)
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  26. The Meaning, Value, and Duties of Friendship.David B. Annis - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (4):349 - 356.
    Friendship was an important topic for classical philosophers; the analysis, Value, And duties of friendship all received considerable attention. But friendship has been a relatively dormant topic among more recent philosophers. This paper (a) presents an analysis of friendship and explains its core elements, (b) discusses several different models for explaining the value of friendship, And (c) argues that there are special duties of friendship and that these aren't based solely on utilitarian considerations.
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    À propos d’un atelier d’écriture en milieu carcéral.Annie Leclerc - 2000 - Horizons Philosophiques 10 (2):117.
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    Your pocket therapist: break free from old patterns and transform your life.Zimmerman Annie - 2024 - New York: Deyst.
    From psychotherapist and TikTok personality Dr. Annie Zimmerman comes a toolkit to transform yourself and your relationships, with advice on how to heal past trauma, build sustainable connections, and take ownership of your mental health. Every day, psychotherapist Dr. Annie Zimmerman meets clients in her private London practice who are struggling with their lives. They're committed to achieving personal growth, making changes--but they're struck at the question stage. They ask: Why can't I sleep? Why do I keep going (...)
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    Présentation.Annie Larivée & Alexandra Leduc - 2005 - Philosophie 87 (4):3-4.
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    À propos de la coupe CA 482 du Louvre.Annie Bélis - 1992 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 116 (1):53-59.
    Annie Bélis, À propos de la coupe CA 482 du Louvre. P. 53-59 Sur la coupe CA 482 du Louvre, le Peintre d'Hésiode a figuré, avec son élégance et son raffinement habituels, une jeune femme qui tient une cithare en berceau : sur ses genoux est posé un objet qui a résisté jusqu'à présent à toute tentative d'identification. Plusieurs hypothèses, peu satisfaisantes, ont été formulées. Schéma et mesures à l'appui, on montre qu'il s'agit en réalité d'une deuxième cithare en (...)
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    L'enseignement parfait selon Mou Zongsan, philosophe chinois.Annie Boisclair - 2016 - Montréal, Québec: Liber.
    On connaît peu la pensée chinoise contemporaine. Annie Boisclair s'intéresse ici tout particulièrement au philosophe Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) au parcours singulier. D'origine modeste, il quitte le milieu rural de Shandong pour aller étudier à l'université de Pékin en 1929. Juste avant la prise du pouvoir par les communistes en 1949, Mou fuit à Taïwan puis, plus tard, à Hong Kong. Il enseignera dans diverses universités et les turbulences sociales et politiques de la Chine seront intimement liées à l'approfondissement de (...)
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    Self-Consciousness and the Right to Life.David Annis - 1975 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):123-128.
  33. Introduction.Annie Bartlett - 2009 - In Annie Bartlett & Gillian McGauley (eds.), Forensic Mental Health: Concepts, systems, and practice. Oxford University Press.
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    L’exotisme au temps d’Albert le Grand.Annie Cazenave - 1981 - In Albert Zimmermann (ed.), Albert der Große: Seine Zeit, Sein Werk, Seine Wirkung. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 141-154.
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    (1 other version)L'homonoia selon Antiphon d'Athènes: les aspects de l'héritage democritéen.Annie Hourcade - 2001 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 22 (2):243-280.
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    Techniques of critical reasoning.David B. Annis - 1974 - Columbus, Ohio,: Merrill.
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    Evidence for a supra-modal representation of emotion from cross-modal adaptation.Annie Pye & Patricia E. G. Bestelmeyer - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):245-251.
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    Claude Bernard and the History of Science.Annie Petit - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):201-219.
    In principle Claude Bernard criticizes historical reflection, which he character- izes as a waste of time. But in spite of strong statements condemning it, Bernard makes use of history frequently and in several different ways. The coexistence of this openly antihistorical stance with a use of the historical perspective poses a problem. I will try to show that these two attitudes lead toward a common goal: promoting science. They combine to create a broad strategy that contributed a great deal to (...)
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    Mattering: Per/forming nursing philosophy in the Chthulucene.Annie-Claude Laurin, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Jamie B. Smith, Brandon Brown, Patrick Martin & Emmanuel Christian Tedjasukmana - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12452.
    This paper presents an overview of the process of entanglement at the 25th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference (IPNC) at University of California at Irvine held on August 18, 2022. Representing collective work from the US, Canada, UK and Germany, our panel entitled ‘What can critical posthuman philosophies do for nursing?’ examined critical posthumanism and its operations and potential in nursing. Critical posthumanism offers an antifascist, feminist, material, affective, and ecologically entangled approach to nursing and healthcare. Rather than focusing on (...)
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    Antigone's Mirrors: Reflections on Moral Madness.Annie Pritchard - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (3):77 - 93.
    Sophocles's Antigone continues to attract attention for its portrayal of the themes of moral agency and sexual difference. In this paper I argue that the contradictory factors which constitute Antigone's social identity work against the possibility of assessing her actions as either "virtuous" or not. I challenge readings of the play which suggest either that individual moral agency is sexually neutral or that women's action is necessarily and simply in direct opposition to the interests of the public sphere.
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    Perception of ethical climate and its relationship to nurses' demographic characteristics and job satisfaction.Anny Goldman & Nili Tabak - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):233-246.
    In this study, we examined the perception of actual and ideal ethical climate type among 95 nurses working in the internal medicine wards of one central hospital in the state of Israel. We also examined whether nurses’ demographic characteristics influence that perception and if a relationship between perceptions of an actual and an ideal ethical climate type influences nurses’ job satisfaction. A questionnaire composed of three subquestionnaires was administered and the responses analyzed using multiple linear regressions, analysis of variance and (...)
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    Who Lives? Who Dies? Ethical Criteria in Patient Selection.Annie T. Altschul - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (2):104-104.
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    Lettre.Annie Leclerc - 1995 - Horizons Philosophiques 6 (1):37.
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  44. Les débats positivistes sur la notion de vie.Annie Petit - 1995 - Ludus Vitalis 3 (4):161-194.
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    The (W)hole in the Archive.Annie Ring - 2014 - Paragraph 37 (3):387-402.
    This article turns its attention to the accounts that Foucault and Derrida made following their encounters with archives, and it relates these accounts to the files of the former East German secret police. Derrida and Foucault located differing qualities of authority in the archives that they consulted, yet they are shown here to converge around a problem of non-integrity in the structuration of the archive as supposed guarantor of epistemological sovereignty. A terminology of sovereign integrity dominates the Stasi's files, so (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Abortion and the potentiality principle.David B. Annis - 1984 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):155-163.
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    Responsible Organizations in the Global Context: Current Challenges and Forward-Thinking Perspectives.Annie Bartoli, Jose-Luis Guerrero & Philippe Hermel (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book aims to spur critical thought on the various dimensions and impacts of "responsibility" for organizations, including companies, institutions, and governments, while considering international differences and similarities, as well as global challenges. It analyzes to what extent responsibility is becoming a crucial issue for all kinds of organizations, examining both the intensifying pressures of international competition and the growing crisis of confidence towards some management concepts and practices. As more and more socio-economic and political systems are suspected of serving (...)
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    The ultra‐weak Ash conjecture and some particular cases.Annie Chateau & Malika More - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (1):4-13.
    Ash's functions Nσ ,k count the number of k -equivalence classes of σ -structures of size n . Some conditions on their asymptotic behavior imply the long standing spectrum conjecture. We present a new condition which is equivalent to this conjecture and we discriminate some easy and difficult particular cases.
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    Ethics of health, grace and beauty.Annie Hazelton Delavan - 1907 - Rochester, N.Y.,: The author.
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    More Than “Spending Time with the Body”: The Role of a Family’s Grief in Determinations of Brain Death.Annie B. Friedrich - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4):489-499.
    In many ways, grief is thought to be outside the realm of bioethics and clinical ethics, and grieving patients or family members may be passed off to grief counselors or therapists. Yet grief can play a particularly poignant role in the ethical encounter, especially in cases of brain death, where the line between life and death has been blurred. Although brain death is legally and medically recognized as death in the United States and elsewhere, the concept has been contentious since (...)
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